Our Services

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Over 250,000 individuals in Arizona are Blind or Visually Impaired. Make a donation today to support the mission of ACBVI in changing lives!

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Assistive Technology

Learn to use software and equipment that will help you gain access to computers, smart phones, and other devices.

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Support Groups

Get the emotional, legal and community support you need to thrive with vision loss or Combined Vision and Hearing Loss.

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Low Vision

Get an expert assessment of your low vision needs and learn to use devices that will help you achieve your goals.

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Social Recreation

Have fun and make new friends as you explore social activities like woodturning, ceramics, trivia, fitness and music.

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Orientation and Mobility

Learn to travel on your own more safely with the help of assistive devices and techniques.

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Living Skills

Master practical life skills like grooming, cooking, communications, recordkeeping, and time management to help increase your independence.

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Comprehensive Rehabilitation Services

Benifits of Attending P.R.I.D.E Program

  • Comprehensive Evaluation Process
  • Individualized Program
  • Small Group Component
  • Frequent Organized Staffing’s with Counselors
  • Facility-Based, Structured Environment
  • "Real World" Strategies Shared by Blind Individuals and those with Combined Vision and Hearing Loss (CVHL)
  • Graduation Upon Successful Completion

To refer one of your clients or for additional information, please contact:

Frank Vance

Director of Rehabilitation Services

Arizona Center for the Blind and Visually Impaired

(602) 273-7411 x109


Client Intake Packet Learn More
Image of Rehab services
Image of rehab services
Image of rehab services
What is ACBVI?

An agency providing services so that individuals with vision loss can achieve their full potential.

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Celebrating Over 70 years of service to the community