ACBVI Operations Updates
- By: jason
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- Monday, July 12th, 2021

How have COVID restrictions affected our operations at the Agency?
Since March 2020, ACBVI has been adapting to the COVID-19 closures and restrictions to our operations, to keep our clients and staff safe and healthy. Currently, the center has partially reopened with select clients receiving in-person training with full protective wear and social distancing guidelines in place for the client and the staff member. More clients are receiving their trainings and interactions with ACBVI trainers and staff through a variety of virtual platforms and communication equipment. Our social recreation program has been limited to virtual classes and interactions with no in-person visits, classes or meal service currently scheduled. The building is currently restricted to visitors, with limited appointments for guests, only when a virtual meeting or appointment is not possible. Mandatory face masks, use of personal protective equipment, social distancing and limited access in the building are being maintained.
All reopening guidelines are being led by recommendations from the CDC and the Arizona State Department of Health through our reopening task force and executive team. Our operational hours are from 8am to 4pm Monday through Friday, and staff can be reached through our main agency number 602-273-7411 for questions and assistance. Most staff are working virtually at least part time and accessible by listed email and phone numbers for those individuals.
We are in constant evaluation of programs and services provided by ACBVI both virtually and in-person and changes and updates are provided through our social media platforms on Facebook and Twitter, and on our website COVID update page. We look forward to providing services in full to our clients for their own path to independence with visual impairment.